The Bunker Family Association established a college scholarship of $200 in 1979. The first recipient was Brent D. Bunker of Las Vegas, Nevada, in 1980. Annabelle Moore served as Bunker Family Association (BFA) President from 1969 until her death in September 1977. In addition to her many years of service as BFA President, she is especially recognized by her fellow Bunkers for her efforts toward restoration of the Bunker graveyard outside Durham, New Hampshire–the burial place of James Bunker, founder of the Dover Branch of the Bunkers in America, and descendants. Ms. Moore bequeathed $10,000 for a college scholarship. This bequest allowed the BFA to increase its annual scholarship to $500. One recipient per year is selected by the BFA’s scholarship selection committee.
The following is an excerpt from the Bunker Banner of May 2017 (#179), p. 2231:
Annabelle Moore was “the 16th BFA president from 1969 until her death in 1977. Actually, you could call Annabelle the 12th president as three others served multiple terms and not necessarily in consecutive years. Annabelle bequeathed ten thousand dollars to the BFA and the membership voted to fund scholarship grants in her memory. A $500 gift has been awarded annually, save for a couple years when no one applied.
“I [BFA President Gil Bunker] met Annabelle in 1976 (my first BFA meeting) and remember her well; she was a spirited president who presided over the meetings in a forceful manner, Robert’s Rules be damned. A no nonsense woman, who as “Old Blue Eyes” would sing, “I did it my way.”
“Annabelle will be remembered for her exceptional work in organizing the restoration of the Dover Graveyard in the early 60s. Discovery of the neglected burial ground in the late 50s belongs to Anna Tenney who found the site while searching for DAR ancestors. She immediately began to excavate the buried marble markers with her bare hands. Annabelle joined in the dig.
“During her presidency, Annabelle officially released the completed graveyard to the Town of Durham on June 17, 1971. It was accepted by Philip Wilcox, Trustee for the Trust Funds for the Town. Philip challenged us to remember “Cemeteries are public, graveyards are private.”