Steve Bunker’s presentation at the Maine reunion dinner was so very interesting. Steve and Sharon run the China Sea Trading Co. shop in Portland, Maine ( and have some very interesting things in it.
Some are made by Steve. He collects all kinds of “stuff” and looks for more all the time. If you are interested in Maine stuff, coastal or maritime stuff, Bette Richards recommends contacting Steve and Sharon. Steve will look for things that you are especially interested in and maybe he can even find some Bunker stuff. Steve is from the Cranberry Island Bunkers, descendants of James Bunker of Dover, New Hampshire. The e-mail address is:
10:48 pm on March 26th, 2010 1
Hi, my name is Steve Bunker and I highly doubt we are related in any way but who know’s. I don’t know anything about my extended family members. Just thought the name was coincidental. lol Take care and have a great day…