Web Site of the Bunker Family Association

The Bunker Blog

August 6th, 2012 at 6:00 am

August 2012 Bunker Banner distributed by e-mail

The August edition of the Bunker Family Association’s quarterly newsletter was distributed electronically to more than 40 members of the BFA who initially responded to an effort to reduce expenses by opting to receive the newsletter via e-mail.

Printing and postage expenses are reduced when members receive their Banner’s electronically, and delivery is actually faster than waiting for the Banner to arrive in the mail. BFA President Gil Bunker produces the multipage newsletter meticulously each quarter and creates it using Adobe Pagemaker.  The file is then sent to the printed for production and mailing.  The Pagemaker file is easily converted to an Adobe PDF file, and can be attached to e-mail to the BFA’s new distribution list. Members only can opt to receive electronic copies, which are password protected, via the new software on the BFA web site.

If you are a BFA member, and want to take advantage of this, please send an e-mail to Gil (gilbunker@snip.net) or web master Doug Detling (doug.detling@gmail.com), and we’ll set you up.



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