The 169th edition of the Bunker Family Association’s regular newsletter is at the printers for postal delivery, and members who have opted for electronic delivery have been sent the PDF version directly or via shared links. The lead story this month is quite interesting–a dispatch of handwritten letters from Matthew Bunker (a Nantucket Bunker) to his parents in Brooklyn, New York in 1853. Matthew sent the letters from Australia, where he was traveling to the gold fields and forming the Bunker Freeland & Co. partnership for selling goods to the miners.
And another interesting tidbit: the future replacement of the Charlestown (High) Bridge across the Charles River in Boston. BFA President Gil Bunker notes that, except by Charlestown residents who call it the Charlestown and/or High Bridge, the bridge is commonly known as the Zakim Bridge after civil rights activist Leonard P. Zakim, though when the current structure was built in the 1950s it was to be known as the Bunker Hill Memorial Bridge (its two suspension tower peaks replicate the Bunker Hill Monument.
Also Gil comments about the restoration of the BFA’s tax exempt status, and Mary Bunker Peterson sent in photos of the Bunker Garrison graveyard restoration work performed in September.
Also, please note that, unless you have paid your BFA dues recently, the November Banner may be the last paper copy you receive, as the membership list will be reviewed and those substantially in arrears are subject to being dropped from the membership rolls. Dues may be paid to the BFA and mailed to Treasurer Lowell Bunker (see membership or contacts pages for mailing address).