Web Site of the Bunker Family Association

The Bunker Blog

January 30th, 2014 at 8:41 am

BFA annual dues – updated January 30

Because of the change in the office of Treasurer, annual dues statements were inadvertently not mailed to members, resulting in a cash-flow problem for the association.

We have enough members to support our activities if everyone pays in  timely fashion, according to BFA President Gil Bunker. Please pay your dues for 2013, and consider an early payment for 2014. Dues checks may now be paid to:

Bunker Family Association

c/o Lowell Bunker, Treasurer
4808 Edgehill Street
Leavenworth, KS 66048-5186

Annual dues:

$20 for electronic delivery of the quarterly newsletter
$25 US, $30 Canada, all others $35  for postal mail
Life memberships $300 Benefactor, $400 Humanitarian, $500 Philanthropist

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